IOPPN Youth Awards HERON and the Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre 2022
3 awards were offered in the following subjects;
Chemistry, Biology and Psychological Health
Health Inequalities: Sociology, Psychology and Health
Maths, Computer Science and Health
HERON and the Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) provides interdisciplinary skills in public health, primary care, epidemiology, statistics, health economics and social sciences for research and training. The BRC offered three awards. All awards have a specific focus on social problems and psychological health.
IOPPN Youth Awards Summer 2021
Due to the ongoing pandemic, this year we ran an online joint Youth Awards programme across King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience.
If you would like to read the evaluation and report from the 2021 awards, please click here
47 students received an award in 2021. The awards were hosted online via a series of evening workshops in June, by researchers working on the following topics:
- Neuroimaging
- Women’s Mental Health
- Health and Society
- Psychiatric Genetics
Biomedical Research Centre Youth Awards

The Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Youth Awards are part of the wider Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) Youth Awards, established in 2013 and set up by Dr Margaret Heslin. The awards are open to all young people aged 15 to 18 attending schools in South East London. The winners receive a £50 book token and two days of work experience at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. HERON took the lead on the development of the BRC Youth Awards programme which aims to encourage young people from the local area to stay in education and develop a career in science, with a specific focus on social problems and psychological health.
For more information and to apply for the award please visit the IoPPN website here.
2019 BRC Youth Award in Chemistry, Biology and Psychological Health (8)
Euan Dadzie-Walker (Ark Globe Academy)
Sehar Fatima (Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College)
Madiha Jalali (Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College)
Thi-Hoa Nguyen (St Savoiur’s and St Olave’s)
Racine Morgan (Sydenham School)
Isis Fyffe-Collier (Dunraven Sixth Form)
Awaatif Muktar (Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College)
Tsion Dawit (Pimlico Academy)
2019 Heron-BRC Youth Award in Sociology, Psychology and Health (5)
Iqra Abdi (Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College)
Thakia Jahan Azad (Mulberry School)
Adeleye Temilade (Dunraven Sixth Form)
Alisha Osman (Dunraven Sixth Form)
Hamnah Kashif (Norbury Manor Business and Enterprise College)
2019 BRC Youth Award in Maths, Computer Science and Health (3)
Cheryl Adamson-Crete (La Retraite Sixth Form)
XueJun Wang (Harris Academy, Bermondsey)
Marta Sanchez Perez (Ark Globe Academy)