The HERON Network is funded by the Wellcome Trust and is currently led by Professor Stephani Hatch, Dr Cerisse Gunasinghe and Dr Charlotte Woodhead at King’s College London.
Aims of the Network
- To provide a forum for health practitioners, researchers and community members to share experiences and information and work together to further understand the problems influencing health inequalities
- To highlight and work towards reducing health inequalities through integrated research and engagement activities
HERON supports a variety of projects that highlight health inequalities using different forms of media such as art, photography, performance and podcasting
- HERON hosts conferences, seminars, public talks and other events to talk about health inequalities with a variety of stakeholders
- HERON partners with community organisations for engagement projects and to advise or support evaluation activities
- HERON supports a number of research projects being conducted at King’s College London that investigate health inequalities, including the South East London Community Health (SELCoH) Study, the Tackling Inequalities and Discrimination Experiences in Health Services (TIDES) Study and The HYPE (improving the Health of Young PeoplE) Project.